What is sanitary stainless steel pipe?

Sanitary stainless steel pipe is mainly used in food, beverage, alcohol, bioengineering and other production equipment and production lines.
Mainly for stainless steel pipe surface finish, oil exclusion and passivation layer requirements;

1, surface finish: for the internal and external surface of the steel pipe polishing treatment, so that the surface of the steel pipe is bright; That is what we often say mirror. It is mainly to prevent the fluid material in the tube from forming a hanging wall in the tube, which is easy to pollute and form a blockage in the tube for a long time.

2. Passivation layer: After polishing, the steel pipe should be immersed in the passivation tank, and the surface of the steel pipe should be oxidized to form a passivation layer with acidic passivation liquid to achieve the corrosion resistance effect of the steel pipe.

3, oil prohibition degree: after passivation is completed, oil prohibition cleaning will be carried out to remove the oil on the surface of the steel pipe. After completion, it needs to be inspected by oil analyzer. It mainly prevents the oil pollution of the pipe wall itself from polluting the fluid material that walks into the pipe.

Standard classification:
4-1 Classification Classification:
① National standard GB② Industry standard YB③ Local standard ④ Enterprise standard Q/CB

4-2 Categories:
① Product standards ② packaging standards ③ method standards ④ basic standards

4-3 Standard level (three levels) :
Y level: International advanced level I level: international general level H level: domestic advanced level.

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